Knowing It For Real

Knowing It For Real

God's Message from Jeff Schreve

About Us

What is Your Spiritual Gift?

God has given you spiritual gifts to use to make a difference in this world and to bring Him glory.  As thanks for your gift today, we would like to send you Pastor Jeff Schreve's new series, Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts. This series will help you recognize the purpose of the gifts and how to put them into practice in your life.

What is Your Spiritual Gift?
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Stay Encouraged

Weekly Truth, Love and Hope in your Inbox!

Listen to Real Truth for Today with Pastor Jeff Weekdays at 8 AM (CT)

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Our 20 Year Impact

As we celebrate 20 amazing years of ministry this November, we’re stepping into a brand new season. Our Impact Report highlights the growth and reach we've been able to achieve through your support across many different outlets.

picture of jeff on radio show See Our Impact
Discernment in a Day of Deception How you can become a discerning Christian.

Discernment in a Day of Deception

How you can become a discerning Christian.

Start your week off right with our new podcast.  Each week, Pastor Jeff illuminates different sections of the Holy Bible, meticulously extracting pivotal themes and life lessons that can enrich and uplift your daily life.  This series invites you to delve deeper into understanding the scripture, offering a transformative platform for spiritual growth. As you navigate through this journey, you will be offered an opportunity to fortify your relationship with God, accompanied by Pastor Jeff's insightful guidance.

Join Us In Prayer
Touch Hearts, Change Lives

Join Us In Prayer

We're told God desires all Christians to do their part to take the gospel to the whole world. Your help in praying for others on this site is allowing that encouragement to make a real impact all over the world. 


Stories of Life Changes

Your ministry is such a blessing. I appreciate so very much that you stand on the Truth and look to Jesus. Thank you for being trustworthy and a light. 


Encouraging and Equipping Other to Shine and Share

I am a chaplain and alcohol/drug counselor in the County Jail.  I can not do this ministry without the full armor of God upon me, and your daily encouragement.  God and Pastor Jeff's encouraging emails.  It's a winning combo, and makes what I do exciting.  Your messages are that important to me. God bless your ministry!  Amen and Amen.


Real Life Change In South Africa

The internet can be toxic, but it can also be a blessing. I was delighted when I discovered your website.  I watch your Sunday morning (evening in SA) services every week. I appreciate your biblical teaching - you have the ability to convey God's Word with such clarity, wisdom & passion - it inspires me to continue to be a witness for Jesus. May God continue to bless you & use your ministry to reach the lost.


Impacting Daily Walks with Christ

Pastor Jeff and his team have greatly impacted my walk with Christ. The insightful messages hit at the heart of key issues in our society and inside of every person. I will pray that Pastor Jeff and his team will continue to stand for the Truth and Christ regardless of what comes their way. 


Impacting Daily Lives

 I have an arsenal of your cd's in my vehicle that I rotate through on my hour and half commute to work. I love your examples, stories and challenges that helps me apply God's word. May God continue to richly bless you, your family and your ministry. 


Reaching and Equipping

Pastor Jeff, I turned on TBN early this past Sunday morning. I had not seen you before, and was only planning to watch for a few minutes while having my coffee. However, I was captivated by the simplicity and direct manner of your sermon. This prompted me to seek out the From His Heart website, which I was thrilled to learn has all kinds of resources. Thank you for your wonderful ministry. I look forward to using this as a means of helping in my walk with the Lord. 


Changing Lives Through Broadcast and Digital Media

I have been getting your messages for several years now and have saved hundreds of them in my email folder.  I revisit them from time to time and am grateful to have found your ministry on Sirius XM back when I was an over-the-road driver for several years. Thank you for the encouragement and admonishment and guidance you bring to so many with the weekly messages.  You definitely speak the truth in love. 


Real Love Changes Lives

I just wanted to thank you. I wish I lived in Texarkana so I could come to your church. Your love of Jesus, and your brothers and sisters in Christ, well, it amazes me. I'm so glad I found your devotionals. Some days, it's all that keeps me going. God Bless you Pastor. Again, Thank you.


Sharing God's Word

I just wanted to say that I have been listening to you for a while now. I am proud to say that my relationship with the Lord is stronger than ever. Listening to you has become a daily thing and I just want to thank you for sharing his word.  


Connecting People to Christ

I've been a listener through the One place app for several years. Thank you so much for the work that your ministry does in spreading the word of Jesus Christ in such a profound & understanding way. God bless!


Encouraging Parents and Families

Thank you so much for allowing the Living God to use you to preach directly to my heart, and my life. My fiance and I are expecting our very first, and much anticipated, child due in a couple months. Today I was driving home from work consumed with worry and fear with recent events and misfortunes, and I was praying to God asking: How can I raise a child and protect my new family in this difficult time approaching. After getting home your sermond "Preparing Children for Life" was airing on TV. And everything you taught me about how to raise my child to Know, Fear, and LOVE God was such an inspiration and a very timely jolt of confidence, hope, and huge Boost of Faith. THANK YOU and Praise GOD for all He is doing, all He has done and promises to do. 


I thank God for leading me to the passage you mentioned, it has come at just the right time with my situation. Yes I felt like God has forsaken me but after reading the passage you wrote, I have come to realise that indeed God wants me to live an exciting life. You have also reminded me that Jesus came that I might have an abundant life not a boring one as am living now, where i do work but seem like am doing nothing. Nothing is working for me.But my many thanks for I have been relieved with your message.


Reaching Across Borders

I receive your daily devotionals via e-mail, and love watching you deliver your passionate and spiritual lessons in your wonderful church via you tube, which Sue my wife and I love to watch. We live in England, and attend our quintessentially 12th century English village Church, which is beautiful, and very traditional, but not as vibrant as your beautiful Church. This is why I just simply want to say; Thank you Sir, for your devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ, for your Knowledge of the scriptures, and the hard work you do for your calling, and for teaching us and helping us to understand the scriptures. Thank you, Thank you.

Get Connected with the Lord

From His Heart Ministries is the multimedia broadcast ministry of Dr. Jeff Schreve. We exist to proclaim real truth and real hope from the loving heart of God to the lost and hurting in order to lead them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Get Connected with the Lord
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