Judgment Day is Coming

In the 1960's, Winston Churchill made this observation about morality in Great Britain saying, “The moral landslide in Great Britain can be traced to the fact that heaven and hell are no longer preached in the land.” Now, if his statement was true then, how much more appropriate is it for today? People today have conveniently forgotten that God is "holy, holy, holy." And they fail to comprehend the ominous warning in Hebrews 10:31, “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Our world no longer has the fear of God's judgment on the radar screen. People think they can sin with impunity! But the truth is this: God is the righteous judge, and no one gets away with sin. May we be sobered to the evils all around us and sensitive to any sin lurking in the shadows of our own hearts. The Lord is coming ... and everyone is going to have to give an account to Him. May we be found ready when He returns. In Christ alone is REAL HOPE. 
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Praying Hands
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