Do You Know the Secret?

A Christian leader shared about a time when he was working so hard for the Lord.  But he had a big problem: he had lost his joy and he had lost his power.  Ministry had become an empty chore, and he was missing the secret to life.  What is the secret?  The Christian life is not working hard in your own strength to serve God.  According to Colossians 1:27, the Christian life is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  If you truly know Jesus as Savior and if you've surrendered your life to Him, your very heart is the Holy of Holies.  Wow, that is awesome!  Keep standing firm as you remember the secret: Christ in you!  It is worth it to live life surrendered to Jesus so you can experience His joy and power all the days to come.  Now that’s real hope!
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Praying Hands
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