Famous Last Words: A Series on 2nd Timothy

Famous Last Words: A Series on 2nd Timothy

13 Messages

Walking with the Lord is not a journey for the faint of heart.  In his second, and final, letter to his dear friend, Timothy, the apostle Paul shares some valuable insight into what is required of the one who truly wants to follow Christ and become more like Him.   In this powerful 13-message series on the book of 2nd Timothy from Pastor Jeff Schreve, titled “Famous Last Words,” he highlights the important advice that can make your journey one of joy and fulfillment.

Message 1

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Christians

At the end of your life when you stand before the Lord, do you want to hear those precious words “Well done, my good and faithful servant?” In this insightful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Christians,” you will see seven key steps that will make your life here on earth one that will be praised by the Father in heaven.

2 Timothy 1:1-11

Message 2

Courageous or Ashamed?

The gospel message is not one that will win popularity contests in our society. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. In this revealing message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “Courageous or Ashamed?,” you will see how the choice to be courageous in your faith may not win you friends, but will cause you to have an experience beyond compare with the Friend who is closer than a brother. Why? Because He laid down His life for you.

2 Timothy 1:12-18

Message 3

Cross Fit

What does it take to be the Christian God wants you to be? In this insightful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “Cross Fit,” you’ll learn about key areas in the Christian’s life that need special regular attention that will bring honor to our Lord.

2 Timothy 2:1-7

Message 4

What's on Your Mind?

How many thoughts run through your head in a day? An hour? A minute? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all that you must do and remember? In this encouraging message from Pastor Jeff Schreve titled “What’s On Your Mind?,” he shows us some real truths about who Jesus is, what He has done, and who you are in Him. The great news is that if you will keep these on your mind all the time, it will bring encouragement and energy to your life no matter what happens.

2 Timothy 2:8-13

Message 5

Sword Handlers

In the book of Ephesians, the Bible is called “The Sword of the Spirit.” Its power and might are what make it possible for us to defend ourselves against the attacks of our biggest enemy, Satan. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “Sword Handlers,” he encourages you to become familiar with and adept at wielding your weapon. He offers up the challenge for you to choose to be the one who knows that the weapon is there and walk away, or to pick it up and use it with authority and confidence.

2 Timothy 2:14-19

Message 6

How to be Useful to the Master

As a believer, do you ever find yourself wandering how you could be useful to God and His kingdom? In this powerful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “How to be Useful to the Master,” you’ll discover what you need to do, and not do, in your life to make yourself presentable to the Lord so He can use you according to His purpose. He wants to pour out all the blessings you can handle in the process.

2 Timothy 2:19-22

Message 7

The Lord's Bond-Servant

In the Old Testament, a bond-servant was an indentured slave who, at the end of his contractual time of servitude, could choose to remain permanently in his master’s household and serve him for the rest of his life. When you accept Christ as your Savior, you are telling the Lord that you want to serve Him forever and never be released from His household. But what does that mean for you? In this powerful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called, “The Lord’s Bond Servant,” you will see what this means for your daily life.

2 Timothy 2:23-26

Message 8

Hold on to Your Hat

Does it seem that today’s world is getting darker and more evil by the minute? Well, that is to be expected. In this hard-hitting message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called, “Hold on to Your Hat,” he reveals the truths that God has given in order to warn His followers of what to expect as the day of His return gets closer.

2 Timothy 3:1-9

Message 9

Do You Follow?

An old colloquialism says, “You are the company that you keep.” When it comes to the Christian life, this is especially true. Are you keeping company with those who seek to please the Lord, or those who live to please themselves? In this insightful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve titled “Do You Follow?,” he shares the kind of traits you should look for in people … the kind that bring glory to God and blessing to your life.

2 Timothy 3:10-15

Message 10

What Makes the Bible so Special?

What makes the Bible different from any other book? In this encouraging message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you’ll discover why the Bible is the one must-read book of your entire life!

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Message 11

A Preacher's Solemn Charge

Upholding and living by the truths of the Bible is the responsibility of every Christian, but how difficult is it to make those truths fit into our lives in this sinful world? In this honest message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “A Preacher’s Solemn Charge,“ he explores the seriousness God places on sharing His truth without changing it to fit the rules of this world.

2 Timothy 4:1-4

Message 12

Fulfilling Your Ministry

Did you know that as a Christian, you were given a specific ministry for your life? “Who, ME?!!?” you may ask. Yes, you! But what do you need to know to make your ministry one that honors the Lord? In this insightful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “Fulfilling Your Ministry,” you’ll discover what is necessary to make your ministry one that will provide blessing and hope for all those the Lord reaches through you.

2 Timothy 4:5-8

Message 13

It's All About People

At times, walking with the Lord and serving Him can be difficult. Among the chief obstacles in serving Him is dealing with the people around you. In this intriguing message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called “It’s All About People,” you’ll learn how to find people who can help you in your ministry and guide you in walking with the Lord.

2 Timothy 4:9-22
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