Message 1
Gifted for Service — Parts 1 & 2
Every true Christian has a spiritual gift. Do you know what your spiritual gift is? If so, are you using it to be a blessing to others? In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you’ll discover three characteristics of spiritual gifts and how you can use what the Lord has given you to serve as a member of the body of Christ.
Message 2
What is Your Gift? — Parts 1 & 2
Every Christian has a gift from the Lord. Do you know how God has spiritually gifted you to serve in the body of Christ? In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares two insights from Romans 12 concerning the service gifts. Discover how when we, as the body of Christ, use our gifts to the glory of God and work as one, we can honor God, grow His kingdom, and bless others.
Message 3
Tongues and the Sign Gifts — Parts 1 & 2
In Christianity today there is a lot of confusion and disagreement when it comes to the signifying gifts (miracles, healing, and tongues). How are we to understand tongues and the sign gifts? In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares three key observations regarding these unique spiritual gifts.