Just Say No
Sin is like a lonely little cancer cell. It always starts out small, but it never stays small. It grows and metastasizes. It grows from a single drink to a full-blown alcohol addiction … it grows from fooling around to premarital sex and an unwanted pregnancy. It grows from a penny ante poker game to a online gambling addiction. Listen, people don’t fall into terrible, horrible sin all at once. They just crack open the door to sin ... and little by little that sin leads to devastation that wrecks and ruins their lives, their marriages, their families, and their children. God warns us in Ephesians 4:27, “Do not give the devil an opportunity [a place].” Literarily, a place. What do you do when Satan knocks at your door with a "harmless" little sin? Just Say No. The sin he brings with him has temporary pleasure, that leads to lasting pain. It is not easy to go against the tide of this world, but it is certainly right and definitely worth it. If you will follow God’s Word, God's will, and God's ways, you will save yourself tremendous heartache and misery. The Lord has come to give us a life overflowing with love, joy, and peace …and it is Jesus where you will find REAL HOPE.