Put Down the Whip
Have you ever beat yourself silly over past sins and past failures? Most of us have. But here is the good news: no matter what you have done, God still loves you! Jesus paid for all your sins and mine when He died on the cross. No matter how terrible the sin, we do not need to live under the whip of guilt and shame because the Bible says, “There is therefore NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” All the wrath of God for our sins fell on Jesus. The moment we repent and receive Christ as Savior and Lord, we receive a full pardon from the King. Hey, if you are inclined to give yourself an emotional scourging over failures, faults, and sins, let me encourage you to put down the whip! Fully confess it to God. Make the necessary amends with those you have hurt … and receive His amazing grace and full forgiveness. If you will turn to Jesus, you will find REAL HOPE.