Message 1
What Kind of Heart Do You Have? — Parts 1 & 2
The Parable of the Sower is one of the most well-known parables in the Bible because it speaks to the heart of our problem: our heart condition. In this revealing message, Jesus wants us to evaluate our own hearts to see if we are in possession of shallow, crowed, or responsive heart.
Message 2
How to Build a Life that Lasts — Parts 1 & 2
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock.” (Matthew 7:24) Are you wise or foolish in the building of your life? Some people build their house on a rock. Others, on sand? If you want a life that last for eternity, building on the rock is a necessity. Find out how to do just that in this encouraging message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called How to Build a Life that Lasts.
Message 3
A Fool and His Money — Parts 1 & 2
A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. In this message, we learn from a parable Jesus told that points out the foolishness of life when focused on the wrong things like "self, stuff, and earthly satisfaction." If you have sought the things of this world, but found no real joy, A fool and His Money is a message that will challenge you and bring you real hope.
Message 4
The Secret to Answered Prayer
Have you given up on prayer working for you? Many have because they don't know The Secret to Answered Prayer. Jesus wants to teach us about prayer through a powerful parable about how to pray. He wants you to reap the blessings from a biblically based persistent and confident prayer life. Discoverer the secret in this message from Jeff Schreve's series The mysteries of the Kingdom
Message 5
Is God Fair?
Have you ever thought that, perhaps, God is not fair? Some people who serve Him faithfully struggle in life, but others ‘tip their hat’ to God and seem to be abundantly blessed? In this insightful message, IS GOD FAIR?, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares that while God may not seem fair to us sometimes, He is evaluating our “service attitude” to make sure we don’t fall into the ‘what’s-in-it-for-me’ trap.
Message 6
Are You Burying Your Talent?
Are you guilty of burying your talent? Every Christian is entrusted with the Lord’s possessions and we have a responsibility to use those gifts. But how do we multiply what we do have for the glory of God and the Kingdom of heaven? God expects you to use the gifts and talents He has given you. Learn how to magnify your gifts and talents in this challenging lesson from Pastor Jeff Schreve.
Message 7
The King's Invitation
Have you ever received an invitation from an important person and required an R.S.V.P … but ignored it? In the parable of the wedding banquet, Jesus unveiled the mystery of the King’s Invitation and the consequences being apathetic, angry, or conditional to this marvelous gift.