Message 1
The Lord's Army — Parts 1 & 2
All Christians have all been enlisted into service in the Lord’s army. With that enlistment comes responsibility, hardship, and incomparable peace. But what does a good soldier of the Lord look like? In this practical message, Pastor Jeff Schreve describes the life and duties of a Christian soldier. He explores what to expect and how to respond as you march into the spiritual battles of life.
Message 2
Are You Dressed for Success? — Parts 1 & 2
One of the keys to being an effective soldier for Christ is being adequately prepared for the fight in the appropriate battle gear. In this helpful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve provides a practical and important checklist of what to wear as part of the full armor of God. Knowing what protection to put on and what weapons to use are the keys to a successful fight against the devil and his demonic hordes.
Message 3
Battle Fatigue — Parts 1 & 2
Do you feel tired, worn down, weary, and ready to give up? Does continuing to do the things the Lord has called you to do seem overwhelming and impossible? If so, you may be in the throes of a series case of battle fatigue. Don’t be discouraged. In this important message, Pastor Jeff Schreve provides key reasons for why you may be experiencing battle fatigue and shares how to fight against it so that you can be refreshed and continue to serve the Lord.
Message 4
Full Impact — Parts 1 & 2
Do you have a deep desire to make a difference for the kingdom of God? Do you want to stand up and stand out for the Lord to help make His name known to a lost and hurting world? Well, how do you do that? In this inspiring message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores key ways you can make a huge impact for the Lord by the way you choose to live and act. Get ready to make a FULL IMPACT for God!
Message 5
Life in the Lord's Army — Parts 1 & 2
When serving in the Lord’s Army, it is important to be living a life that is honorable to the Lord. You must be aware of your surroundings and never lose sight of your Commanding Officer, Jesus. Only then will you be ready to obey orders until the battle is finished. In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares necessary truths to always remember so you can live a life that God can use and that is pleasing to Him.