
Heather Moseman

Gift Officer

Heather Moseman

Heather is passionate about building relationships and connecting with the people God places in her path. She loves to share Jesus with those who are lost, lonely, and vulnerable—and coming alongside them to help them grow in their love for God. This is why she is a perfect fit and why we are so excited to welcome Heather to the team! 

As her testimony shows, she knows firsthand how He can use relationships to change lives: 

“I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. I didn’t even own a
Bible. One summer, when I was 13 years old, a friend invited
me to go with her to a church camp. When I arrived at the camp,
in the rural Texas Hill Country, and started meeting everyone, I
knew something was different. I had never experienced so much love
and joy. I didn’t know the worship songs, but I quickly joined in with as much excitement as the other campers. It was during one of those nights at the camp, sitting around a campfire singing, that the Holy Spirit grabbed my heart, and He has never let go. My camp counselor held my hands and prayed with me as I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior!” 

Heather brings more than a decade of experience working for Christian broadcast ministries. She is excited to join the From His Heart team and begin building relationships with faithful supporters like you who keep this ministry growing. 

Heather and her husband, Ken, have been married for 22 years and have two sons. 

Your gift helps meet the critical $400,000 financial year-end need

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