Lana Camp
Customer Service Coordinator

As Customer Service Coordinator, Lana works daily to send out all the From His Heart Ministries resources that are requested by phone, mail, and online. She also responds to voicemail, email, phone calls and letters to help our supporters and those who have questions about the ministry. Lana also works closely with our prayer team ensuring that all requests receive prayer.
Lana joined the team in June 2013. Prior to her work at From His Heart, Lana enjoyed a 33 year career in teaching as well as 2 years as a Christian Missions worker in Thailand.
While she was raised in a Christian home and baptized in church, she had a radical conversion experience in her twenties as a result of a preacher who came to her home and clearly shared the Gospel in a way that she hadn't experienced before.
Lana holds both Bachelor and Masters degrees from Stephen F. Austin University. She is blessed to be a wife, mother, and grandmother.