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Stories That Change Lives


Stories That Change Lives

God is using From His Heart Ministries to touch hearts, change lives, and empower people to surrender more of their lives to Christ.

The real testimonies below are from people all around the world. It is only a small sampling of those we receive each week. This is the real fruit of the mission called From His Heart ... making an eternal difference in people by leading them into a deepening personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. You'll hear that echoed in the inspiring words below.

We'd love also to hear what you think and how God has used this ministry to help in your daily walk.

Read below the incredible way God is using this ministry to impact the world!

Patti G. - Carthage, TX

I faithfully record your service every Sunday. I am a 62 year old preacher's kid. I have strayed at times from my relationship with God and if it wasn't for preaching like yours, I still may not have been blessed to have the wonderful relationship I have now. You have been extremely influential in my journey. I hope at some point to meet you in Texarkana. The Holy Spirit really speaks to me through you.

Ed B. - Bismarck, ND

Pastor Jeff , I listen to God speaking through you're messages. When you speak, I see His heart coming from you and it is so fresh and powerful. It’s a real anointing from God as He speaks through you. They bring me face to face with my creator. Thanks and may God bless and keep you in this precious time. You truly are a man after God’s own heart!

Ginger G. - Texarkana, TX

The thing that amazes me about you, Jeff, is that you are a pastor to thousands, but yet you have the gift of making each person feel like they are the most important one. The attention you give each person (even if it's just a minute) is so appreciated and does not go unnoticed. Your personality is warm, welcoming and sincere and it comes out in your messages. Thank you for being my Pastor, my awesome teacher and my friend.

David S. - Plano, TX

Thank you so much for this Real Hope Email Encouragement I got today in my inbox. It was sent from the Lord. Being unemployed since August at the age of 55, I admit there are some days that I feel my best days are behind me. But I do know and trust that God has plans for me to serve Him and you’ve reminded me of that fact at the perfect time. I admit it is difficult at times to wait because I so want to make eternal differences in the lives of others and pray for that. I am very grateful for your ministry and the encouragement I receive from it. God bless you and your team!

Edward Z. - Delana, CA

Dear Pastor, I'm writing this letter to let you know how much your book "Runaway Emotions" has helped me. I'm currently incarcerated in prison in Delano, CA, and was blessed by a friend with your book and upon beginning it was unable to put it down until I was done with it. I thank God that He blessed you with the ability to write it as it's been a great delight and inspiration to me. Once again, I thank you and God bless.

Terra G. - Twin Falls, ID

Dear Jeff, I just wanted you to know how amazing your preaching is and how it has truly affected my life. I was brand new in my faith I was trying to figure this church thing out and I went to a great church, but had to move. I was pregnant, depressed, and in the middle of nowhere. It felt like I was hungry for good teaching of His Word. I found CSN and started listening and your teaching, your truth of God’s word, your funny jokes and just the way you come across made me feel like I'm part of your Sunday crowd. It seems every time I had a question on something or didn't understand things, I would tune in to your broadcast on and you’d have the answer. I feel God uses you for us. I want you to know your teaching has helped me and my family so very much! You are our Pastor here in Idaho and you’re in our house everyday! I can honestly say coming from a whole family of wayward people, your messages have helped me stay going in the right direction, toward living for our Lord Jesus. Thank you and don't give in to sugar coating the gospel like other preachers do. You just keep telling it like it is!

Frank G. - Buena Vista, FL

Thank you for your ministry! I so appreciate the fact that you speak God's word with every sermon. You don't "sugar coat" or "water down" God's words. You are so blessed with a gift of being able to make it understandable and relatable. May God continue to bless and keep you.

Elizabeth J. - Los Angeles, CA

I just want to say thanks Pastor Jeff for standing strong and preaching the true Word of God. For not being afraid to stand up against politically correct or softened version so as not to offend anyone. With all of our hearts, we want to hear and follow His Word, and serve Him and His people. God Bless you for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and open to do what God tells you to do and say!

Bobbie K. - St. Paul, MN

I so look forward to your weekly words of e-mail encouragement. I’m amazed at how often they address the very things I’m dealing with at the time. Your messages on TV are inspiring and assuring. You are the best. Jeff, I’ve been watching you for the past 6 years. I was searching for inspiration that has gone now with the passing of some of the major evangelical leaders. I found it in you. You are a treasure to me and my family. Keep up the good work!

Richard B. - Sheridan, WY

I was driving the other day and heard a message from a new program I hadn’t heard before. Looked it up online and found out that this guy is something special. Turns out it was you, Pastor Jeff. I love the videos and programs and stuff on your website. Thanks for preaching the clear, uncluttered Word of God to me each day. You’re a blessing.

Phil N. - Castleton, England

Pastor Jeff delivered a masterpiece of a sermon delivered in a most masterful way. I have heard many preachers in my life and can honestly say, "When Pastor Jeff preaches, I think people can’t help but listen." You deliver messages in a masterful way. God bless you.

Phil N.

William H. - Perth Australia

My mother introduced me to your TV ministry 2 years ago. I want you to know that I am going through some troubling times now, but you have really helped me open up to the Lord in deep sincere prayer as I have never before done. Depression, loneliness and destructive thinking have been the norm for me in the past, but I wanted to let you know that you are helping me cope. Keep doing what you are doing as your word is clearly understandable and seems to be right on target with everyday life experiences. I get a lot of emotional support and answers from the sermons that touch my heart. I feel the Lord is talking to me through you. Keep up the great work.

William H.

Wayne R. - Denver, CO

Jeff, I want to praise God and the Holy Spirit for how they use you to work in people’s lives. You’ve touched more hearts and lives with your ministry than you could imagine. God is truly working through you and I’m thankful I found you. To God be the Glory.

Amber G. - Memphis, TN

Your ministry is such a blessing. I appreciate so very much that you stand on the Truth and look to Jesus. Thank you for being trustworthy and a light.

Randy B. - Guam

Pastor Jeff, You truly do have favor from The Lord resting on you. I have been deeply encouraged in my life with Jesus as a result of you and your ministry. Although I don't know you personally, we have the brotherly bond of Jesus and that's how I can say I love you so much and thank God for your life and obedience to the call of God. Bless, bless, bless you Pastor Jeff!

Randy B.

Bunny H. - Birmingham, AL

I listened to your message every morning, but what I really want to thank you for is reaching out and touching my son. I have been encouraging him to listen to your radio program online on OnePlace and His life is changed so much. I can't begin to tell you the joy and gratitude I have since my son has now found and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and I wanted to thank you for being such a crucial part of that discovery. May God bless you and keep you in His loving care.

Kristen P. - Jamaica

Pastor Jeff, I started listening to your radio broadcasts back in October of 2013 as 'back ground noise' while I was doing other reading on my lunch break from work. Within a couple weeks, I had put away the reading material, brought my Bible with me to work to listen during lunch time and was taking notes on your sermons. It is difficult even to explain how I’ve changed. Your preaching the Word of GOD has brought to me. You speak how I listen and it has been an unbelievable transformation. I have always 'believed' in Jesus and took a profession of faith in our home church a few years back, but I never ever walked with the Lord. Your continual preaching of I don't care what you have done, you can be forgiven if you come before the Lord and are repentant, HE loves you...has brought me to my knees, sobbing in my living room many times now since the first of the year. Blessed are you, Pastor Jeff, as you preach so clearly and without apology HIS MIGHTY WORD!

Kristen P.

Heather K. - Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

I have grown up in the church and been born again. Yet for years I have battled doubt of my salvation, and making it to heaven. I just listened to your sermon on the helmet of salvation, recommitted my life to Christ through the prayer you shared at the end of the sermon I watched online, and feel more ready to take every thought captive! Thank you for your ministry and passion for the gospel.

Trudie V. - Seattle, WA

Jeff, I listen almost every day as I am getting ready for work on CSN radio. You are now my favorite! I’ve had incredible teachers all my life and I must tell you that your teaching is hitting on all chords with me. I love that you are not compromising and exhorting us to believe, stand and serve. Thank you.

Brian T. - Cape Town, South Africa

Thank you Jeff for your amazing sermons. It was like it was directed right to me. I have learned so much from you on TV. I love your passionate truthful messages! You never compromise and you should be commended for that. Blessings.

Brian T.

Steve & Susan R. - Raleigh, NC

We just listened to your televised sermon on the ‘last days’ this morning and I have to say it is the best and most truthful sermon I have listened to in a very long time. We enjoyed it so much and will be watching from here on out! Thank you for preaching the truth!

Mark C. - Houston, TX

Brother Jeff. The message that you brought today is excellent for one to examine their life. I appreciate you and enjoy your ministry. I came across FHH about 6 months ago and I know it was not by accident. I believe that when you speak from the heart to the heart with all your heart, it makes all the difference in the world. I pray for you and your family that GOD will provide you with his blessings.

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