A New Refreshing Normal

Have you experienced a major change lately ... like the death of a loved one, or the loss of a job, or the devastation of divorce, or deteriorating health? What do you do when life changes fast and without warning? First of all, you mourn. That is normal and natural. Even Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus and mourned the death of John the Baptist. Secondly, you stop mourning. You can’t get stuck in a state of mourning. The Scripture says, "When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil...." We don't live in the valley, we walk through it. Life does go on … and you need to go on, too. And thirdly, you trust God that the best is yet to be. You know when Moses died, the people could have easily mourned themselves to death. But God told them to dry their tears, cross the Jordan, and enter the Promised Land. The Lord wants to turn your new normal into new and fresh encounters with Him. Will you arise and cross this Jordan? If you do, you WILL experience REAL HOPE.
Praying Hands
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