Are you frustrated today? Do you feel burned out and worn out? Has the Christian life become a heavy burden, drudgery instead of joy? If you’re getting weary in doing good, then remember the principle of ‘abiding’ found in John 15. Branches bear fruit not by sweating and straining and fretting and trying harder and harder to "produce." They bear fruit simply by abiding in the vine. As you and I abide in Jesus--keeping our lives in the light of His love and grace and holiness--we can enjoy our relationship with Him as His life-giving sap flows through us and brings us joy, peace, and purpose. We can see God use us to do great and mighty things without the stress and pressure of "having to make it happen." Apart from Him, we can do nothing so quit trying and start trusting. Quit thinking it all depends on you. It doesn't. And when you do, you’ll experience REAL HOPE.