Marriage Peace is Missing

Many marriages are in trouble. For lots of couples, they entered into marriage thinking they were getting the ideal. But when the honeymoon wears off and real-life hits them in the face, their ideal often turns into an ordeal ... and they begin wanting a new deal. What can be done for a marriage that has hit the rocks? The Bible tells us God specializes in giving beauty for ashes. He can take all the hurt and turn it to healing by the power of His cross and empty tomb. Listen, if your marriage is less than you desire, the way to healing and victory is through honesty, humility, confession, and forgiveness. As couples get things right with God, they are then able to get things right with each other. If I am walking with God and my wife is walking with God, then we can handle any issue or problem. Without submission to the Lord, selfishness inevitably begins to reign ... and selfishness destroys romance and intimacy. It always leads to a dark place of isolation. But when we say "no" to self and "yes" to Jesus and give Him control, His peace and power will transform the marriage. Now that's REAL HOPE.

Praying Hands
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