The Thing About Storms

Storms. They are part of life. Everyone encounters them. They often take us by surprise. Storms can make us fearful and cause us to wonder, "where is Jesus?"  Why did He not protect me from this storm? When storms come, it is good to remember the story in Matthew 14. Jesus came to the fearful, storm-tossed disciples, walking on the sea. He was there for them in their hour of need and he told them, "Do not be afraid." Are you facing some fearful storms today in your marriage, your job, your finances, your health, your family? Does the Lord seem far away in the midst of your difficulty? Rest assured, He is not. He sees you, He cares for you, and He will see you through. There is no problem too great for the Great I AM. Now that's REAL HOPE.

Praying Hands
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