In God's Word we find this amazing promise in Jeremiah 29:11-13:
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." (NKJV)
Wouldn’t it be great to always know what God wants you to do in a given situation and be 100% sure you are doing the right thing? Wouldn’t you like to always make the best choices for your life? Well, there is good news for you. You can KNOW and DO the will of God!
Someone has well said, “Life’s greatest discovery is to know the will of God … and life’s greatest satisfaction is to do the will of God.” When you know His will for your life and do His will, your life is filled with a purpose that brings unbelievable joy, peace and satisfaction.
Rest assured, there is no “how-to guide” in becoming God’s puppet on a string. God takes no pleasure in having “robot disciples.”
YOU HAVE A CHOICE. You can say “no” to the will of God and go your own way. But that choice has certain consequences. If you reject God’s will, you will miss the best God has planned for you. You will miss the bull’s-eye for your life.
Knowing but not doing God’s will is like living life with your left shoe on your right foot; it’s just not a good fit and will surely cause you to stumble. At most, your life will be a second best shadow of what it was meant to be. It won’t be the wonderful life God had planned for you.
Do you really want a life outside the will of God? Because you are reading this, you’re likely searching to discover God’s best for you. You’ve come to the right place because He DOES want you to know His best.
The fact is, God made you. He fashioned you, loves you and knows what is best for you. He wants your life to be filled with the BEST life has to offer. We're not talking about material wealth, but rather about fulfilling God’s real purpose for your life. In eternity, that is what will matter. That is why it simply makes good sense to align your life with God and do His will.

- Doing the will of God brings joy, peace, and satisfaction to one's life.
- Rejecting God's will has consequences and results in missing out on the best God has planned for you.