A Fork in the Road
Fake News: Exposing the Lies of the Devil

The Fake Newscaster
Part of being successful in battle is knowing your adversary. Do you know much about your adversary the devil? Are you familiar with his back story? In this opening message of the Fake News series, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores Ezekiel 28 to uncover the history of Lucifer, his fall from perfection, and the implications for us today.

Liar, Liar
Jesus described the devil as "a liar, and the father of lies” (John 8:44). In this revealing message, Pastor Jeff Schreve exposes the deceitful strategies of the devil, the deadly sin of disobedience, and the way to victory.

The World's Most Believed Lie
Most of us are familiar with the statement, "There is no free lunch." That is true in most endeavors in life ... but not when it comes to salvation. It is indeed a free gift of God that cannot be earned and is definitely not deserved. Since the devil knows this truth, he works overtime to promulgate the lie that good works get you to heaven. In this essential message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explains from Scripture that salvation is by grace alone ... through faith alone ... in Christ alone.

Circumstantial Evidence
Does your trust in God waver depending on the circumstances? If your life falls apart, does your faith fall apart with it? In this powerful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares from the Prophet Jeremiah as he laments the total destruction of Jerusalem. Although all seemed lost and the situation hopeless, Jeremiah found hope in God ... and so can you!

Victory or Defeat?
How can you live a life of victory and avoid being defeated by sin and regret? Is victory even possible in our sin-filled culture? Don’t fall for the lie that says you cannot win in the battle with the flesh. That's fake news! Jesus said we can know the truth and see the truth set us free. In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the pathway to victory as we believe the Lord and walk in His love, grace and truth.

Epic failures? Have you ever had one? Epic failures make us think we are despicable, disqualified and discarded. But the truth is those thoughts are fake news! Peter sinned a great sin in denying Christ three times ... and yet he was forgiven and restored. In this heart-felt message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the epic failure of Simon Peter and his road to restoration. What God did for Peter, He can do for you!

The Real Inconvenient Truth
Does everyone go to heaven, eventually? Does it matter if we serve God on earth? Does ignoring or rejecting God have eternal consequences? Is there really a place called hell? Many people don’t want to believe in hell, but their denial does not make it disappear. In this hard-hitting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the gospel truth about the reality of hell ... and the way to avoid ever going to that horrific place.
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Fake News: Exposing the Lies of the Devil - Series
In our world today, fake news is all around us. Many news stories are found to be purposely misleading in order to sway the public. The same is true in the spiritual realm. The devil is a liar; and he uses lies to try to steal, kill, and destroy. In this eye-opening series, Pastor Jeff Schreve exposes the devil's lies with the truth of the Word of God, paving the way for us to walk in victory.