Back to the Future: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - SERIES
What is the world coming to? Is Armageddon around the corner? In this 8-MESSAGE series from the Book of Revelation, Pastor Jeff Schreve teaches from this amazing book to see what God has to say about your future when Christ returns. He promised He would and you need to be ready.
Find out more about the person and power behind that deceiver who will lead the world astray as the end nears. Known as the Antichrist, he will be a tyrant like no other. Discover the truth behind his apparent success in this revealing message from Pastor Jeff Schreve.
The battle has been fought and Christ’s victory is abundantly clear. So what happens next? Find out more about Jesus’ earthly reign following the battle of Armageddon in this comforting message from Pastor Jeff Schreve.
The most wonderful place ever created is the place where God lives. It’s a place called heaven. This subject causes our minds to wonder: What is heaven like? Who is going there? What do people do in heaven? What will people be like when I get there? … and many more. In this exciting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve looks to the Bible to answer key questions concerning heaven.
Are we really nearing the end of times? If you listen closely, you can hear the sounds of Christ's approaching footsteps. But how can you know if the end is near? In this booklet, you will discover the seven signs from Matthew 24 that reveal the season of Christ's return. We don’t have to walk around with headline hysteria as we read about disaster after disaster coming upon the world. We can look up and say with confidence, “Praise the Lord! Our Savior and King is on His way!”