Do You Want to Be Revived?
Soul on Fire: God's Plan for Revival

Prone to Wander
Have you gotten stale in your Christian life? Do you find yourself just kind of going through the motions, but the white-hot passion is gone? Maybe you are one who has drifted from your first love. That was the case for the church in Ephesus. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares three discoveries from the first letter to the seven churches of Asia Minor.

This is the Life!
Why do we need revival? It’s because many of us have gotten used to a sub-par Christian life, and we need to get back to the real Christian life that is abundant and full of the power of God. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares three characteristics of the true Christian life and discover how you can be revived and experience the fullness of life in Jesus.

Spiritual Adultery
Nothing undermines a marriage like adultery. As bad as physical adultery is, spiritual adultery is worse. Sadly, we have all been guilty of it in one degree or another. Thankfully, the Lord tells us the cause of and the cure for spiritual adultery. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares two insights from the book of James and discover how you can draw near to God once again.

Returning to God in Prayer
If you’ll study revivals that have taken place over the centuries, you’ll find one common denominator: the revival did not come until the people started to cry out to God in brokenness, humility, repentance, and fervent prayer. Sadly, most Christians don’t do very well with the discipline of prayer. What does it look like when we return to God in prayer? In this convicting message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, learn afresh what a privilege we have as Christians to call on the Lord in prayer.
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Soul on Fire: God's Plan for Revival - Series
The hymn lyric hits the nail on the head, “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.” Because all of us are so prone to wander, we find ourselves so often in need of revival. And when revival hits a life, a family, a church, and a community, there is a spiritual awakening that takes place and people come to Christ in droves. In this series, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares God’s plan to bring the wanderer back into the fullness of a relationship with Him. Discover how you can be revived and have a soul on fire once again for the Lord Jesus Christ!