Jesus and His Family - Mark 3:31-35
Who Is This Man?: The Gospel of Mark

Getting Ready for the Lord - Mark 1:1-8
Are you ready for the coming of the Lord? The Lord is coming back soon, and this is amazing news for those with hearts completely sold out to the King. What do you need to do to be prepared for His coming? In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you can learn how to be ready and how to live a life of full of hope for the future.

The Starting Block - Mark 1:9-11
The beginning of Jesus’ ministry started with his baptism in the Jordan River. What can we learn from the beginning of his ministry here on earth? In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, learn about the importance of baptism and how it serves as a testimony to our new identity in Christ. We are buried with Christ in baptism and raised to walk in a new life with Him!

Temptation and Triumph - Mark 1:12-13
Everyone struggles with temptations. The Devil is constantly trying to derail us with enticements that threaten our walk with the Lord. How can we triumph over the Devil’s temptations? In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals the types of temptations we face, the reason we face them and how we can defeat them.

From John to Jesus - Mark 1:14-20
In Mark, Jesus began His ministry in Galilee. What happens at the start of His Galilean ministry? He preached a clear and public message of repentance and faith to all people. He also called His disciples and that calling came with tremendous weight and responsibility. In this message entitled, FROM JOHN TO JESUS, Pastor Jeff Schreve details the ministry of Jesus in Galilee and what it truly means to be a disciple.

AMAZED! - Mark 1:21-28
Jesus was the most amazing teacher who ever lived. He preached with power, conviction, unwavering confidence and divine authority. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover the amazing power of Jesus and how understanding who He is will change your life.

A Day in the Life of Jesus - Mark 1:29-39
Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of Jesus could have been like? In this revealing message, Pastor Jeff Schreve outlines a day in the life of Jesus, focusing on the importance of a daily quiet time, responding to the Word and ministering to others.

The Willingness of God - Mark 1:40-45
In Mark 1:40, a humble leper came to Jesus and begged to be made clean. Jesus was moved with compassion and was willing to cleanse him. That man was healed immediately! God is full of compassion and truly cares about you too. He is willing and more than able to help meet your needs, just as He was for the leper. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, learn how you can enter in to the willingness of God.

Blasphemer or Redeemer? - Mark 2:1-12
Jesus preached about the kingdom of God, sin and forgiveness many times. But there were people in the crowds who responded with anger and called Jesus a blasphemer for speaking as if He were God. Is Jesus a blasphemer or is He God? Discover the answer to this question in this revealing message from Pastor Jeff Schreve.

No "Righteous" Allowed - Mark 2:13-17
In Mark chapter 2, Jesus calls a sinful tax collector to be His disciple. What do we learn about Jesus from the call of Matthew? Jesus came for sinners, for the lost and for the weary, not for the self-righteous. Discover how the worst of the worst can be transformed and used by God to bring Him glory in this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve.

New Wine and Old Wineskins - Mark 2:18-22
In Mark 2:22, Jesus uses the illustration of the wineskins. “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins and the wine is lost, and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.” Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals what we can learn from new wine and old wineskins.

Lord of the Sabbath - Mark 2:23-3:6
Jesus confronted the Pharisees on numerous occasions, pointing out their legalism and self-righteousness. He said, “the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, he’ll take a closer look at the legalistic system of the Pharisees regarding the Sabbath and teach us why Jesus went out of His way to break their rules.

Undeniable Proof - Mark 3:7-12
Jesus professed to be the Son of God but there were many who believed He was a liar. Is there undeniable proof that Jesus is the Son of God? In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve identifies four irrefutable truths that prove the divinity, God in the flesh.

Twelve Unlikely Men - Mark 3:13-19
Jesus appointed twelve men to walk with Him and to send out to preach His word. He didn’t choose His disciples based on their stature in the world. Instead He chose ordinary men and used them in powerful ways. Discover why these twelve men were so unlikely to be chosen and what we can learn about ourselves as disciples of Christ today.

The Unbeliever's Dilemma - Mark 3:20-30
In Mark 8:27 Jesus poses the question, “Who do people say that I am?” The believer rightly answers that He is the God-man, but how does the unbeliever answer? In this eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve dissects the reasoning of the unbeliever and how to give them concrete hope to counter their illogical dilemma.

Heart Condition - Mark 4:1-20
In Mark chapter 4, Jesus shares the parable of the seed and the sower to illustrate the importance of the spiritual condition of your heart. In this inspiring message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals the four types of hearts Jesus spoke of and how you can have a heart sold out to the Lord.

Making the Most of the Opportunity - Mark 4:21-25
Are you seeking the Lord with all your heart? Are you absorbing the truth of the Word or is it in one ear and out the other? Are you making the most of every opportunity to share with others the undeniable, life-changing power of Jesus? In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explains how important it is to seek the Lord whole-heartedly.

What is the Kingdom of God Like? - Mark 4:26-34
Jesus used parables often during his ministry. In Mark chapter 4, Jesus shares the parable of the mustard seed to give believers a true picture of the kingdom of God. In this thought-provoking message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explains the exciting “Kingdom” parable of the mustard seed that will bring clarity to your mind and comfort your heart.

What to Do in the Midst of a Storm - Mark 4:35-41
In the midst of a terrible storm at sea, Jesus wasn’t in distress. He was sleeping! The disciples couldn’t believe that Jesus didn’t appear to care that they were about to perish. It’s easy to get scared and forget the promises of God, but in this message, you’ll learn why you should trust the one who controls the wind and the waves.

And Everyone Marveled - Mark 5:1-20
Jesus performed miracle after miracle during His ministry. In Mark chapter 5, He expelled a legion of demons from a tormented man, completely restoring him. This man experienced the life-changing power of Jesus and proclaimed how much He had done for him. Everyone marveled. Have you experienced this life-changing power? In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover the deliverance Jesus brings and how He can make your life a marvel to others.

A Touch of Faith - Mark 5:21-34
In Mark chapter 5, Jesus passed through a town with a sick woman who had been suffering for years. She knew that Jesus’ power was so great, that if she simply could touch His garments, she would be healed…and she was! What can we learn from this woman’s faith? In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover that even in the suffering of this life, we can find healing with a touch of faith.

Believers and Belittlers - Mark 5:35-43
God’s ways and words are often belittled by unbelievers because people mock what they don’t understand. We may only see what is right in front of us, but God sees the entire picture. And God has a purpose even in the most desperate situations. When it seems like all hope is lost, it isn’t over. In this hope-filled message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the story of the healing of the daughter of Jairus and how God uses great obstacles, to bring about even greater miracles.

Do You Need a Miracle? - Mark 6:1-6
Are you in need or a miracle? What is needed to see God work miraculously in your life? In this uplifting message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you’ll discover how to rely fully upon Jesus, openly share your heart with Him and willingly give Him first place in your life.

Taking It to the Streets - Mark 6:6-13
The need of the hour is for God’s people to profess His Word with boldness. As believers in Christ, we represent Jesus to the world and our job is to share the message of repentance and redemption. Have you taken the message of Jesus to your world? In this inspiring lesson, learn how you can shine for Christ and share His story.

Good and Evil - Mark 6:14-29
Are you in a constant battle between good and evil? Is evil winning? Don’t lose heart! God is in control and He will ultimately destroy evil once and for all. How can you live a righteous life in such an evil world? In this encouraging message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how to stand up for what is right while standing firm in the Lord.

R & R - Mark 6:30-32
We live in a fast-paced world, overflowing with constant activity. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle with little time for rest. But God commands us to rest. Are you good at hitting the pause button on your busy life? In this practical message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how to find rest and relaxation in your Christian life.

Sinners in the Hands of a Compassionate God - Mark 6:33-44
The compassion of God is immeasurable. His arms are open wide, welcoming sinners who are in desperate need of His teaching and His healing. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores the depth of God’s compassion and how only He can satisfy your longing heart.

The Miracle That Made the Difference - Mark 6:45-52
Jesus walked on the water in the middle of a storm. His disciples didn’t even recognize Him and thought Him to be a ghost. They couldn’t see past their fear in the raging storm. What can we learn from this miraculous event? You’ll be encouraged with this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares how the Lord is in control of every situation you may face and how He’ll always see you through the storm safely.

What is the Truth about Healing? - Mark 6:53-56
When Jesus visited a city, He would perform miraculous healings on the sick and suffering. People would simply touch the fringe of His cloak and be completely restored. Is that kind of healing the norm in Christianity today? In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores the truth about how God heals today and how every physical weakness we have to endure has a purpose.

When Worship Becomes Worthless - Mark 7:1-13
“But in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.” Do you worship God from a heart full of praise, or a head full of rules? When we just go through the motions, our worship becomes worthless. In this eye-opening message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how you can engage in heart-felt worship that exalts the King.

The Enemy Within - Mark 7:14-23
Within the heart of every person there are evil thoughts and intentions. Defilement comes from the inside out. Are you focused on how you appear from the outside, or the state of your heart? In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how we are desperately wicked and only through repentance can an evil heart be made new.

Tenacious Faith - Mark 7:24-30
Do you have a determined and steadfast faith? There are great blessings for those who refuse to quit and maintain hope in the Lord. Testing is what strengthens our resolve and builds within us a tenacious, unshakable faith! In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores how the Lord tests our faith with silence, perceived indifference, and endurance.

No Doubt About It - Mark 7:31-37
In Mark chapter 7, Jesus healed a man who could not hear or speak. It was a miraculous healing that left the crowd astonished. “He has done all things well; He makes even the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.” What can we learn from this unique miracle of healing? In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals three lessons you can learn about your miracle today.

The God Who Satisfies - Mark 8:1-10
We are all born with a desire … a need to be physically and emotionally satisfied. But instead of looking to God, we tend to look to the world to satisfy our desires. All that the world offers will leave your heart empty. So where are you looking for satisfaction in life? In this hope-filled message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals the secret to a satisfying life that will fill the deepest longings of your soul.

Beware and Be Aware - Mark 8:11-21
Jesus instructed his followers to “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” Practically speaking, what does that mean for us today? In this eye-opening message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, learn how to train your spiritual senses so you can know the difference between the teaching of the Lord, and the false teaching of the world.

From Blindness to Sight - Mark 8:22-26
In Mark chapter 8, a blind man begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus spit on his eyes, laid hands on the man and asked him if he could see anything. At first his vision wasn’t fully clear, so Jesus laid hands on him once more, completely restoring his sight. What is the lesson for us in this two-stage miracle? Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals the stages of spiritual sight and how knowing Jesus gives us a different perspective.

The Burning Question - Mark 8:27-33
In Mark 8:29, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Many people fail to answer that question correctly. How do YOU answer that burning question? In this straight-talking lesson, Pastor Jeff Schreve examines this critical question revealing exactly who Jesus is … and how to prove it.

The Temporal vs. The Eternal - Mark 8:34-38
Life on earth is fleeting. “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover the temporal price of salvation, and how giving into the temptation of the “here and now” comes at a devastating eternal price.

Coming Glory - Mark 9:1-10
In Mark chapter 9, Jesus led Peter, James and John up a high mountain and He was transfigured right before their eyes. Jesus’ clothes became radiantly white and Elijah and Moses appeared by His side. What can we learn about God in this Mount of Transfiguration passage? In this revealing message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover three essential lessons from this amazing event.

What's the Deal with Elijah? - Mark 9:11-13
The Jews believed Elijah would precede the Messiah, and that Jesus could not be the Messiah if Elijah had not yet returned. In this thought-provoking message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals the significance of Elijah to the coming of Christ.

Power Failures! - Mark 9:14-29
In Mark chapter 9, a man brought his demon possessed son to the disciples, but they could not cast out the evil spirit. They experienced a power failure. In this revealing message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how important a daily walk with God is and how to avoid power failures in the Christian life.

The Paradox of Greatness - Mark 9:30-37
In Mark chapter 9, the disciples were discussing which one of them was the greatest. Jesus told them that true greatness comes when you are a servant to all. In this inspiring message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares how your life could became truly great.

Say What? - Mark 9:38-50
In Mark chapter 9, Jesus speaks frankly about the temptation to sin. In this challenging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores five lessons that teach us how to easily recognize a Christian. They are easy to spot.

Till Death Do Us Part - Mark 10:1-12
The Pharisees tested Jesus’ knowledge of the law wanting to discredit Him and then punish Him. In Mark chapter 10, their questions centered around divorce. In this insightful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explains what Jesus says about marriage, divorce and even remarriage.

Faith Like a Child - Mark 10:13-16
“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all.” What does it mean to receive the kingdom of God like a child? In this insightful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals the importance of faith and how the faith needed to save you is the faith needed to sustain you.

The Question of Questions - Mark 10:17-27
In Mark chapter 10, a man ran up to Jesus and asked the question, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” In eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores this question of questions because eternal life in heaven is God’s hope for us all.

When Riches Become a Robber - Mark 10:23-31
Are you trusting in earthly riches? If so, you’ll learn that earthly riches will bind you to the temporary and forsake the eternal. In this insightful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals how riches can rob you of the most important things in life. You’ll learn in whom to place your trust.

The Price of Redemption - Mark 10:32-34
Do you realize the cost that was paid so you could live eternally in heaven when you die? Jesus willingly suffered betrayal, condemnation and the unfathomable weight of divine judgment just for you. In this inspiring message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you’ll be reminded of the sacrifice made for you and learn to live in thankfulness and peace because of your promised redemption.

Twisted Ambition - Mark 10:35-45
The disciples consistently struggled with pride, selfishness and the desire to be the greatest. Sound familiar? In this informative message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, he explains the difference between true greatness and worldly greatness.

When the Savior Passes By - Mark 10:56-52
In Mark chapter 10, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus heard that “Jesus of Nazareth was passing by” and he repeatedly cried out, “Jesus, have mercy on me!” Jesus heard his cry and recovered Bartimaeus’s sight. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals three important lessons we can learn from the persistent faith of blind Bartimaeus.

The Time of Visitation - Mark 11:1-11
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, the crowds cheered, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” In this powerful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover why this triumphal entry was so significant then and especially today.

When Jesus Cleans House - Mark 11:12-21
After Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He made His way to the temple and found it crowded with people buying and selling. In righteous anger He overturned the tables and ordered the patrons to leave. In this revealing message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you’ll discover the practical application this defacing of the temple incident should have on us today.

Real Prayer, Real Power - Mark 11:20-25
What is needed for your prayers to have the power of God? In this uplifting message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how to offer genuinely surrendered prayers to God and receive real power from God. God wants to answer your prayer if you’ll come to Him His way.

How to Catch a Rat - Mark 11:27-33
The religious elites of the day hated Jesus and were relentless in their questions to Him that were intended to trap Him. In Mark chapter 11, they asked Jesus, “By what authority are you doing these things?” Pastor Jeff Schreve shares how Jesus easily exposed their hypocrisy and how walking in the light of God’s truth will provide access to His power through us.

Exposed and Expelled - Mark 12:1-12
When Jesus tells a parable, it is considered an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. In Mark chapter 12, Jesus tells the parable of the landowner and his tenants. In this eye-opening message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, gain a deeper understanding of this passage of scripture that reminds us that “The stone (Jesus) the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”

A Trick Question - Mark 12:13-17
In Mark chapter 12, the Pharisees and Herodians attempted to trick Jesus with the question: “Is it lawful to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not? In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares how wisely Jesus responded to this trick question, which proved their evil intent and His divine nature.

The Question of Fools - Mark 12:18-27
Have you ever been made to feel stupid and small-minded for your faith? Arrogant unbelievers want nothing more than to back you into a corner with disingenuous questions and hypothetical extremes. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover what God has to say about arrogant fools and how the truth of His word can humble their hearts.

What Is the Greatest Commandment? - Mark 12:28-34
In Mark chapter 12, Jesus is questioned yet again by a Pharisee. “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment?” The greatest commandment is to love God and to love others. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, take an in-depth look into Jesus’ answer to this question and thoughtfully consider how you are obedient to this greatest of commandments.

The $64,000 Question - Mark 12:35-37
In Mark chapter 12 Jesus asked a puzzling and profound question: “If David called the Messiah his Lord, how can the Messiah be his son?” In this revealing message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores the explanation Jesus gave that revealed God’s wisdom and power.

The Heart of a Hypocrite - Mark 12:38-44
Jesus instructed His followers to, “Watch out for the teachers of the law.” In Jesus’ day, religious hypocrites were everywhere. Guess what? Things haven’t changed much. In this eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the importance of having Godly discernment so we can look past the outward disguises and into the heart.

An Outline of the End Times - Mark 13:1-37
In Mark chapter 13, Jesus spoke to His followers and outlined what the end times would be like. In this prophetic message, Pastor Jeff Schreve describes the trying times that lead to the Tribulation, the arrival of the antichrist and the return of the King in power and glory. Be ready for His coming!

Sensitive or Cynical? - Mark 14:1-11
While reclining at a table with his disciples, a woman named Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with an alabaster vial of expensive perfume. Her sensitive heart and sacrifice pleased Jesus, but all Judas could see was wasted oil. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover the difference between the spiritually sensitive and the spiritually cynical. Are you more like Mary or more like Judas?

The Last Supper - Mark 14:12-26
In Mark chapter 14, Jesus sat with his disciples and transformed the Passover into the Lord’s Supper. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, gain a deeper understanding of this symbolic event. It reminds us that Jesus gave His body and blood to deliver us from hell. But what does His sacrifice mean to you?

The Sin of Self-Confidence - Mark 14:26-31,66,72
The night Jesus was betrayed, He told the disciples that many would fall away. Peter responded, “Even though all may fall away, yet I will not.” But a few hours later, Peter did just that denying he knew the Christ. And he did it three times. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve details the meaning and consequence of this self-confidence sin.

The Agony of Gethsemane - Mark 14:32-43
The night Jesus was betrayed, He sought the Lord with fervent prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was in agony over the bitter cup of sin He was about to take. In this powerful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the agony of Gethsemane when Jesus’ prayer was completely yielded to the will of His Father. Are you completely yielded?

Arrested! - Mark 14:43-52
Judas came to the Garden of Gethsemane with soldiers in order to arrest Jesus. Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek, sealing his betrayal and then soldiers “laid hands on Jesus, and seized Him.” What can we learn from the arrest of Jesus? In this eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth about false disciples and how even in the bleakest of situations, God is still in control.

Why Religion Hates the Savior - Mark 14:53-65
The chief Priests and religious elite found Jesus guilty of blasphemy and, therefore, deserving of death. They were filled with vehement hatred for Him and grossly violated all protocols of justice in order to assure his death. In this revealing message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the blatant evidence of their hatred and the reason behind it. It is a hatred that is still abundant in our world today.

Pilate and the King of the Jews - Mark 15:1-15
Pontius Pilate asked one of the most important questions in history when he said, “Then what shall I do with Him whom you call the King of the Jews?” In this eye-opening message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover what we can learn the importance of that one question in our lives today and learn to avoid the choices Pilate made.

Paying the Price for Sin - Mark 15:16-41
The redemption of a man’s soul is costly. Jesus took our shame and bore our wrath as he bled and died in agony. He did it ALL for us. Can you comprehend the price Jesus paid to redeem sinners? In this powerful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explains the unfathomable price that was paid for our release from sin and for the glorious salvation we are given through faith in Jesus.

Dead and Buried - Mark 15:40-47
After Jesus bowed His head and gave up His spirit on the cross, Joseph of Arimathea took the body and prepared it for burial. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover the significance of the burial of Jesus and how His burial in the guarded tomb makes the His resurrection undeniable.

The Day That Changed Everything - Mark 16:1-8
Three days after the death and burial of Jesus, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb. To her amazement, the stone had been rolled away…Jesus had risen from the dead. What does the resurrection of Jesus mean for us today? In this message of victory from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how the resurrection proves that Jesus is God, Jesus keeps His word, and Jesus’ word is trustworthy and sure. Christ is risen indeed!

The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ - Mark 16:9-20
In the conclusion of this extensive study of the gospel of Mark, the resurrected Jesus appeared to His followers and disciples. They were understandably astonished and shaken with excitement. His resurrection changed everything! Has your life been changed by the amazing life of Jesus? In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores this final passage with encouragement to never lose a sense of wonder at the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Who Is This Man?: The Gospel of Mark
At the end of Mark 4, Jesus calms the stormy Sea of Galilee with the power of His word. The disciples are totally blown away and wonder aloud, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” (Mark 4:41). Do you know who this man Jesus really is? The Gospel of Mark answers this key question as Mark succinctly presents the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the living God. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve in this 72-message series as he travels verse by verse through this wonderful Gospel to uncover the glory and majesty of the suffering servant of God.