What Do We See In Heaven?
Revelation: The Triumph of the Lamb

Are You Ready for a Blessing?
Revelation is a book of prophecy, but more importantly, it’s a book of blessing and encouragement. The pages of this book are full of blessings for the bride of Christ. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy.” Discover the blessings in the pages of Revelation in this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called, ARE YOU READY FOR A BLESSING?

Check Your INBOX
John was instructed to write seven letters to the seven churches. Why? Because if the church isn’t following the word of God and living in His righteousness, then they cannot influence the world for Christ. John’s message to these churches serve as a warning for us today. What can we learn about ourselves from these warnings? In this message entitled, CHECK YOUR INBOX, Pastor Jeff Schreve identifies the characteristics of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

When Is The Rapture Coming?
Only God knows when the rapture of the church is coming, but His word tells us that He is coming soon. As believers, we are instructed to be watchful and ready. The second coming of Christ is a certain future event and it could happen at any moment. What does Revelation tell us about the Rapture? In this informative message, WHEN IS THE RAPTURE COMING, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth about the next event on God’s timeline.

So It Begins
All those left behind will go through the seven year Tribulation on Earth. What is awaiting those who will experience the Tribulation? During this time, the wrath of God will fall. It will be a time of war, famine, death, and judgment. Learn more about this terrifying time in the message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called, SO IT BEGINS.

The Two Witnesses in the Tribulation
In Revelation 11 we are introduced to the Two Witnesses. During the Tribulation two witnesses will come to Earth to preach the word of God. What can we learn from them? In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, we will gain a deeper understanding of who these witnesses are, what their purpose is, and how we can be witnesses for Christ in the here and now.

The Dark Prince
Throughout history there have been several “mini antichrists.” Hitler, Nero, Herod, to name a few. No one can even come close to THE DARK PRINCE. The Antichrist is coming to rule the entire world after the rapture and he will deceive, destroy and murder the masses. In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, we will discover the characteristics of the Antichrist who is going to be given authority during the Tribulation.

Armageddon and the Return of the King
In Revelation 19, the Battle of Armageddon marks the victorious return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as he defeats the Antichrist and all his followers. In this message called, ARMAGEDDON AND THE RETURN OF THE KING, Pastor Jeff Schreve details what happens when Jesus Christ returns to the Earth at the end of the Tribulation.

The Kingdom to Come
After Jesus comes in power and defeats his enemies at the Battle of Armageddon, He makes his Kingdom on Earth for a thousand years. The Millennial Kingdom will be ruled in complete perfection and the curse placed on all things will be removed. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve in this uplifting message entitled, THE KINGDOM TO COME, as he gives us a glimpse into the earthly Kingdom of God.

The Final Judgment
In Revelation 20, the Great White Throne Judgment takes place. The unrighteous dead will be resurrected to stand trial before the Lord Jesus Christ. He will judge in perfect holiness and justice. It will be a terrifying event for those who will stand trial before Him. In this message, called THE FINAL JUDGMENT, Pastor Jeff Schreve reveals the truths of this terrible day for the unbelievers and how our decision now can save us from the second death of eternal fire.

Heaven: Prepare to Be Amazed
Heaven is a real place, and all believers will spend eternity there. What do we know about Heaven? Revelation 21-22 gives us a glimpse into what Heaven will be like. God has prepared an amazing place for us, far beyond our comprehension. Prepare to be amazed, as Pastor Jeff Schreve describes this perfect place called Heaven.
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Revelation: The Triumph of the Lamb
The Book of the Revelation can be intimidating, as it is full of prophecy, tribulation and woe. It is also full of hope and encouragement because the King is coming for His own and to rule and reign forever! In this series, Pastor Jeff Schreve takes an in depth look at Revelation, laying out a timeline, explaining the symbolism, encouraging believers, and sending a wake-up call to those who have yet to accept Jesus as their Savior. The King is coming soon, so be watchful and be prepared for his victorious return!