Why Am I Here?
Life's Big Questions

Does God Really Exist?
So many people today are searching for spiritual truth and someone, or something to put their faith in. Some say there are many choices, others say there’s nothing else out there, but who is right? In this affirming message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, we learn what evidence the Bible presents to prove that God really does exist.

Why Should I Believe the Bible?
The Bible. For some, it is a big book of historical recordings that have no pertinence toward their life. For others, it is God’s Holy Word that is living and active and sharper than a double-edged sword; their guidepost through each day. But, is this book, handed down for thousands of years throughout history, to be believed? In this encouraging message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, we see the truth: the Bible is the trustworthy and living Word of God, not just some religious musings of man.

Is True Happiness Really Possible?
YOLO: You Only Live Once. That’s a concept that has floated around in our culture. Do whatever it is that is going to make you happy, no matter what the cost or consequence. But, is happiness really found living for thrills, indulgence, and self? In this eye-opening message from the book of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Jeff leads us through the findings of King Solomon during his quest for happiness and shares the answer to being truly happy in all circumstances.

How Could a Good God Allow so Much Suffering?
One of the hardest parts of life is the suffering and sorrow that consistently happens to each and every person. Why would a good and loving God allow horrific tragedies to happen to His people? And since evil very obviously exists in our world, is it true that God really is good and loving? In this enlightening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shows us the truth about what God says is to be our perspective on the suffering in this world through the His lens of love and mercy.

What Lies Beyond the Grave?
The existence of life after death is a concept addressed by most religions. But what does the Bible have to say on this matter? And is life after death the same for everyone? In this hard-hitting message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, we learn what lies ahead for those who choose to accept the gift of grace given through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and what the future will be like for those who choose to ignore it.
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Life's Big Questions - Series
Everybody has questions in life. But not all questions are created equal. Some questions are really big… and they can become sticking points to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In this riveting six-message series, Dr. Jeff Schreve boldly tackles Life's Big Questions to help believers and unbelievers alike better understand the firm foundation of Christianity.