Palm Sunday is a day of celebration, but what is the significance of the palm branches? Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares three lessons from the palm branch that will help us understand more fully what was taking place in Jerusalem on the day Jesus was met with palms and cheers of "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
Have you experienced the earthquake of Easter … what it’s really about and how it can change your life forever? In this message, you will learn the truth behind the resurrection, how you can be forgiven (no matter what you’ve done), and how Jesus can change your life today.
Have you gotten in a rut in life? Are you tired of the same old same old, drawing your breath and drawing your salary? Would you like to experience the transforming power of Easter? Your life, your faith, and your eternity can be transformed forever as you understand the truth of the empty tomb because Easter Changes Everything.