Will You See Adam and Eve in Heaven?
Sin and Salvation: A Sermon Series on Genesis 3

Has God Said?
The devil is very methodical, and he has a strategy. The way he tempted and deceived Eve in the Garden is the same way he tries to tempt and deceive you and me. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the schemes of the devil as seen in the fall of man.

When You Believe the Lie
The devil deceived Eve and got her to believe the lie that God is not good and the only way to live life to the full is to disobey God. Anytime we sin, we are believing the lie that this sin is going to bring satisfaction and meet our needs. What are the ramifications of believing the devil’s lies over God’s truth? Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares three consequences that occur when we believe the devil’s lies.

Standing Guilty Before God
After Adam and Eve sinned, they had to stand before God. They were guilty of the terrible sin of disbelieving and disobeying the God who loved them. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the divine consequences that we see from the fall of man and how it affects us today.
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Sin and Salvation: A Sermon Series on Genesis 3
Genesis chapter 3 is a much-maligned chapter in the Bible, but it is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. It tells us why we’re in the mess that we’re in. It explains death, the fall of man, the curse on the earth, disease, depravity, and so much of what we see taking place in the world today. In this series, Pastor Jeff Schreve takes a closer look at this foundational chapter that teaches us about sin and salvation.