The ABC's of Life
The best place to start most things is at the beginning. But when it comes to living a bold and abundant life of faith, where exactly is that beginning? In this foundational message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth about the fear of the Lord and it’s necessity to the fundamental ABC’s of the Christian life.
When Life Begins
When does life begin? That is the key question as it relates to the issue of abortion. The pro-abortion crowd has one answer, and the pro-life crowd has another. What does God say about this critical question? Find out in this sobering and eye-opening message as Pastor Jeff speaks the truth in love from Psalm 139:13-16.
Marriage and Family
The institutions of marriage and family are the bedrock of every society. But are these critical relationships free to be changed by society’s wavering whims? Is there a definite model ordained by God? In this fundamental message for all families, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth about God’s design for marriage and family and how they are intended to give a clear and healthy picture of our relationship with Him.
God, Government and Christians
Government is a good thing because government is a God thing, created by Him to provide protection for the people. And He gave mankind the job and the responsibility of rulership using a government that would be underneath God’s direction. What responsibility do we have to that foundational truth? Learn the purpose and relationship between God, Government and Christians in this inspiring message from Pastor Jeff Schreve.
The Church and the Gates of Hell
The people of God make up God’s church. And the church has a mission to fulfill to reach the world with the good news. But what forces can create barriers to the fulfillment of this mandate from God? What causes the church to be hindered from our responsibility? In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff shares real truth about the foundation of God’s church and the power and protection He has placed upon her.