Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God - SERIES
4 Messages
Have you noticed how easy it is to get all wrapped up in self? "Me and mine" seem to be the order of the day. But God has called us to live beyond ourselves. He lets us know that there are wonderful blessings to be experienced as we live for His glory and give generously to the work of His Kingdom. In this series, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares encouragement from God's Word to help us break out of the prison of selfishness and enter into the wonderful world of giving.
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Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God

Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
The Next Generation
Self. Have you noticed how easy it is to get all wrapped up in self? It has well been said, “A person all wrapped up in self makes for a very small package.” You see, real joy and purpose in life comes from living beyond ourselves. In this insightful lesson called THE NEXT GENERATION, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares his heart about our responsibility to point the Next Generation to Jesus … and how we can work to reach them. This message is part of the 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
Who's Your Master?
Have you ever tried to serve two bosses at the same time … bosses who had completely different agendas? If so, you know it isn’t hard … it’s impossible! As Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters.” In this eye-opening message called WHO’S YOUR MASTER, Pastor Jeff Schreve wants you to take an honest look at yourself by asking these questions … Who is really calling the shots in your life? Is it God, or is it money? This message is part of the 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
Confessions of a Cheerful Giver
It has well been said that there are two categories of people in this world, Givers and Takers. Which category are you in? In this challenging lesson from Pastor Jeff Schreve you’ll learn how generous and cheerful giving blesses the heart of God and will bless you as well. This message is part of Jeff’s 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
Making It Count
People give for many reasons to various causes. Most are very deserving. But what we all must evaluate is whether our giving (no matter what form that giving takes) really counts for the Kingdom of God. In this message, MAKING IT COUNT, we’ll learn about the joys that come from being a giver instead of a taker. This message is part of Jeff’s 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.
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Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
The Next Generation
Self. Have you noticed how easy it is to get all wrapped up in self? It has well been said, “A person all wrapped up in self makes for a very small package.” You see, real joy and purpose in life comes from living beyond ourselves. In this insightful lesson called THE NEXT GENERATION, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares his heart about our responsibility to point the Next Generation to Jesus … and how we can work to reach them. This message is part of the 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
Who's Your Master?
Have you ever tried to serve two bosses at the same time … bosses who had completely different agendas? If so, you know it isn’t hard … it’s impossible! As Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters.” In this eye-opening message called WHO’S YOUR MASTER, Pastor Jeff Schreve wants you to take an honest look at yourself by asking these questions … Who is really calling the shots in your life? Is it God, or is it money? This message is part of the 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
Confessions of a Cheerful Giver
It has well been said that there are two categories of people in this world, Givers and Takers. Which category are you in? In this challenging lesson from Pastor Jeff Schreve you’ll learn how generous and cheerful giving blesses the heart of God and will bless you as well. This message is part of Jeff’s 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

Beyond Ourselves: Living and Giving to the Glory of God
Making It Count
People give for many reasons to various causes. Most are very deserving. But what we all must evaluate is whether our giving (no matter what form that giving takes) really counts for the Kingdom of God. In this message, MAKING IT COUNT, we’ll learn about the joys that come from being a giver instead of a taker. This message is part of Jeff’s 4-message series BEYOND OURSELVES: LIVING AND GIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

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