Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
6 Messages
Money. It tends to be a sensitive, personal subject for many people. Yet, Jesus spoke more about money than He did heaven or hell. Why? It is because money tends to be the #1 idol, the false god where we so often place our hope and trust. In this series Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the clear truths of Scripture to help us see money from God's perspective ... and make it count for now and forever.
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Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Servant or Master?
Money. We have to have it, but what happens when it has us? What happens when the driving force in our lives is acquiring more money or being bitter about not having enough of it? When our focus is on money, it can’t be on God, and that’s a dangerous place to be. In this eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares with us the truths the Bible tells us about money and what its place in our lives reveals about ourselves and what we believe about the Lord.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
The Monster of Materialism
Having and gaining wealth is not a bad thing in and of itself. But when we place the value of our lives and success on the amount of “stuff” we own or would like to own, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the monster of materialism that can wreak havoc on our lives both emotionally and spiritually. In this hard-hitting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve helps us to understand what God’s Word says about allowing the desire for more money to hinder our desire for more of Him.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Are You Worried About Money?
Have you ever experienced the uncomfortable feeling of being extremely concerned over someone or something you hold very dear to your heart? It’s a pretty common phenomenon we experience as humans. It’s called worry. And while common, God says it is not necessary, and even more so, it is not right. In this truthful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve guides us through what God has to say about worrying over money and our physical needs and how we can trust God to provide for whatever we need.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Is the Prosperity Gospel the True Gospel?
There is currently a popular way of thinking that if you believe God for good things and put your money toward causes that the Lord would approve of, you have the right to the blessings of health and wealth. While this is a very appealing notion, is it true to God’s Word? In this revealing message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares with us several key aspects of the prosperity gospel as compared with the teachings of Jesus on the matters of our health and wealth as followers of Christ.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
How to Get Right with God
In the life of a Christian, one of the main goals in walking with the Lord is to stay in keeping with Him and His will. But did you know that a sure fire way to fall out of God’s will has everything to do with how we handle our money and wealth? In this informative message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares God’s instruction to His people on how to deal with, invest, and trust Him with their finances so that they may receive spiritual blessings that far surpass any financial gain humanly possible.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Eternal Rewards
While wealth is something that can be dangerous when given the wrong place in our lives, it is also something given to us by the Lord and can be used to serve Him and bring Him glory. In this practical message, Pastor Jeff Schreve share with us some key truths from Scripture about what we can do with our money now that will bring about heavenly blessings beyond our imagination in the future.
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Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Servant or Master?
Money. We have to have it, but what happens when it has us? What happens when the driving force in our lives is acquiring more money or being bitter about not having enough of it? When our focus is on money, it can’t be on God, and that’s a dangerous place to be. In this eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares with us the truths the Bible tells us about money and what its place in our lives reveals about ourselves and what we believe about the Lord.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
The Monster of Materialism
Having and gaining wealth is not a bad thing in and of itself. But when we place the value of our lives and success on the amount of “stuff” we own or would like to own, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the monster of materialism that can wreak havoc on our lives both emotionally and spiritually. In this hard-hitting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve helps us to understand what God’s Word says about allowing the desire for more money to hinder our desire for more of Him.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Are You Worried About Money?
Have you ever experienced the uncomfortable feeling of being extremely concerned over someone or something you hold very dear to your heart? It’s a pretty common phenomenon we experience as humans. It’s called worry. And while common, God says it is not necessary, and even more so, it is not right. In this truthful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve guides us through what God has to say about worrying over money and our physical needs and how we can trust God to provide for whatever we need.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Is the Prosperity Gospel the True Gospel?
There is currently a popular way of thinking that if you believe God for good things and put your money toward causes that the Lord would approve of, you have the right to the blessings of health and wealth. While this is a very appealing notion, is it true to God’s Word? In this revealing message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares with us several key aspects of the prosperity gospel as compared with the teachings of Jesus on the matters of our health and wealth as followers of Christ.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
How to Get Right with God
In the life of a Christian, one of the main goals in walking with the Lord is to stay in keeping with Him and His will. But did you know that a sure fire way to fall out of God’s will has everything to do with how we handle our money and wealth? In this informative message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares God’s instruction to His people on how to deal with, invest, and trust Him with their finances so that they may receive spiritual blessings that far surpass any financial gain humanly possible.

Money Matters: How to Make Your Money Count for Now and Forever
Eternal Rewards
While wealth is something that can be dangerous when given the wrong place in our lives, it is also something given to us by the Lord and can be used to serve Him and bring Him glory. In this practical message, Pastor Jeff Schreve share with us some key truths from Scripture about what we can do with our money now that will bring about heavenly blessings beyond our imagination in the future.

Are You Worried About Money? - Booklet
Few things in life cause as much worry and anxiety as money. But Jesus gives us a better way of thinking about finances – a way that leads to freedom, peace and a deeper trust in God’s provision for our lives. In Pastor Jeff Schreve's new booklet, Are You Worried about Money?, he gives practical steps that can put you on the path away from financial worry and on the road to financial peace.